
Sunday 21 August 2011

a-england Avalon

Ok, I know what you are probably thinking, another a-england colour but I seriously cannot get enough of these polishes.

Avalon is one of the colours that has been on quite a few of the other blogs but I enjoy wearing it so much I thought I would try and pay my own little tribute to it.

This was probably one of the hardest polishes for me (so far) to capture its true colour on camera, I think I took close to a million (ok probably more like 150) pictures of it and hopefully the few I have picked show Avalon at its best.

This colour is the most true purple colour I own, but also has slight flecks of other colours through it (pink, purple and possibly blue) but this may very well be a trick of the light but regardless of this Avalon glows when you wear it.

Again as always 1 coat of Nails Inc Underground base coat (but finally ordered the Knight yesterday) 2 coats of Avalon and 1 coat of a-englands The Shield.

Polishes can be purchased for £9 from a-englands website, and international shipping is offered.  a-england avalon

Oh and before I go, I have a bit more info on the new (still no name announced) collection, there will be Seven polishes, six of them holos (two greens, which I had mentioned before) and a black (!!!) and a 'vibrant multichrome' will complete the set.  It will be at least 3 months before we can get our hands on 'The Seven' and at the moment the lucky Adina has one sample of each of these but otherwise they are off at the manufactures so there are no promo pics yet either.  I am sure we will get a glimpse of these once Adina has them on the a-england Facebook Page where the competition to win polishes from The Mythicals collection is still ongoing.........


  1. love this colour ... hoping to win at least one of AEngland's colours on her facebook competition ...

  2. Hopefully you will get lucky Linda, I haven't actually entered any of them yet as all the ones I have seen go up are colours I already have :) x

  3. So pretty! Looking forward to hearing more from your blog. Thx.

  4. I just love, love, love this polish. Like you've said it glows and it's so purple and it's probably those things combined with how well I can actually apply it and how glossy it looks that make it my favourite purple :D (and I've got quite a few, lol)

  5. lol, sounds like you love it as much as I do Marie :D xx

  6. acquired avalon this week .. have swatched it on my thumb and so looking to the weekend and wearing it for a party.

  7. I'm sure you will love it once it is on Linda, such an eye catching colour x


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