
Friday 21 October 2011

Illamasqua Vice and Nubar 2010

I have for you today one of the lovely Illamasqua Theatre of the Nameless 'rubber effect' polishes.  This one is called Vice and is a pretty berry colour.

I have not managed to buy these polishes for myself but my amazing friend Fi bought them and then went on holiday before she could get a chance to use them, so of course I offered to polish sit for her.....

These are my first Illamasqua polishes and I was so happy to try them eventually, the bottle is an amazing design, and looks like it will be very storage friendly for when I finally buy some.  The application was great and the cap on this polish was slightly rubberised to mirror the finish of the polish inside.

This is 1 coat of the Knight, 2 of Vice and no top coat.

I love this polish, the finish of this reminds me of candle wax.

Now........ I had been thinking about how the flakies would look matte, I had seen pictures of this before and it looked great so I had to try it for myself.  I had quickly swatched 2010 over this polish when Fi came over with them and it looked ideal so here is the above mani with 1 coat of Nubar 2010 and then topped with 1 coat of Kleancolor Madly Matte, which I had used before to produce a more rubbery finish than a standard matte top coat.

The 2010 on top of this polish still shows different colours but leans more towards showing the orange and the yellow flashes.

Thanks for looking <3 xx


  1. This looks beautiful with flakies, I love my Nubar, have a backup bottle,as I thin I'll be using a lot over winter, but over darker reds.xx

  2. love it with the Nubar on top

  3. Fi here! Your nails look amazing! Did you find it difficult to get a smooth finish because of the rubber effect? You are def doing this to my nails today!!! Thanks for showing them off so perfectly :) xxx

  4. Polish AMOR, thank you xx

    Esther, I love my 2010, sorry I waited so long to finally get it but am looking forward to trying over more colours <3 xx

    Thanks Shannara xx

    And Fi, I need to fix your profile thingy again! No, it went on the same as normal polish, just dried with a different finish. I will do this on your nails for sure and thank you for letting me borrow them <3 xxx


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