
Tuesday 6 December 2011

Update for you......

Hello all,

I still have all of your lovely comments and messages to reply to but its just a quick message just now, was back at physio today and hand isn't healing as fast as I had hoped.

Don't worry, I have exercises to do but it is probably going to be (at least) another week before can get more swatch posts up, but I have some Collection posts in the archive so I will do a short post for these to keep you going.

Apologies for this ladies, I miss you all and cannot wait to be back to normal (not to mention the fact I have had naked nails since the 20th November!!)



  1. I'm sorry your hand isn't healing as quickly as you had hoped :( Hopefully it'll make more progress soon! I guess you can't really ask your husband to do your nails for you?

  2. Thank you Marie, hopefully almost back to normal now, haha, I could I suppose, but don't imagine they would be that presentable, saying that, he does do my toes sometimes..... :D xx

  3. Hi Rebecca! I don't comment often, but I love reading your blog posts and checking out your cute Mani's everyday. I hope your hand heals up super fast. In the meantime, maybe you could paint your hubby's nails and post them, lol haha

  4. Thank you so much for commenting Lailaa and and I so happy you like my posts. I am hopefully well on my way to normal now so should be able to get some swatches up soon <3 xxx


Please feel free to leave me a comment as I do enjoy reading them all but I would kindly ask that if you wish to send me a link (to your own blog etc), please do so via email (details on side bar) xx