
Wednesday 14 November 2012

Kiko 401

I have for you all today, a beautiful blue holo, Kiko 401.

I am showing you this pretty for 2 reasons, one cos its stunning and two, it is diabetes awareness day and my wonderful friend Hannah has a daughter Rae who has recently been diagnosed.  So heres to Rae, CG, my Stepdad and all the other diabetes suffers out there.

This is one coat of the Knight, 2 of 401 and 1 of the Shield.

kiko 401 1

kiko 401 2

kiko 401 3

kiko 401 4

Kiko polishes can be purchased from the stores, I was at the one in London Westfield Centre.  If you go to their website here, you can check if there is a store near you, or I think you can also order online.

Thanks for looking <3


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