
Sunday 4 November 2012

Lush Lacquer Midnight Affair over Kiko 399

Sorry for the brief absence, I have been unwell the past few days and only just feeling a bit better.

So I have for you today another of the Lush Lacquers from my order with them, Midnight Affair which is a mix of red, white and black glitters in a clear base.

I layered it over my previous mani of Kiko 399, this is 1 coat of Midnight Affair and 1 of the Shield.

Lush Lacquer Midnight Affair over Kiko 399 1

Lush Lacquer Midnight Affair over Kiko 399 2

Lush Lacquer Midnight Affair over Kiko 399 3

Lush Lacquer Midnight Affair over Kiko 399 4

You probably noticed the little red bit of bar glitter sticking up, and as far as I remember this was actually the only bit I noticed doing this in the whole mani.  I ended up cutting it with nail scissors so it didn't snag.

All and all though I loved this combo!!

Kikos can be purchased from the site or a store if you have one near you.  And Lush Lacquers from Etsy but or Llarowe and Harlow & Co.

Thanks for looking <3 xx


  1. Gorgeous combo - the glitter is super pretty (most longer bar glitters have one that does in the that manicure). But that Kiko (heart melt).

  2. This is such a beautiful combo! Love the red, white and black over the beige holo background!

  3. Thank you lovelies, so glad you like this combo as much as I did xx

  4. Lovely combo! Kind of reminds me of Las Vegas!


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