
Tuesday 27 November 2012

Shimmer Polish Strength over a-england Iseult

I have for you today a very special post dedicated to my sweet friend Leah Ann.

Sadly, today is the one year anniversary of the passing of Leah Anns mother, and my heart goes out to her on today and all days.

This is a combo that I wore recently and when Leah Ann mentioned on Facebook that her mothers favourite colour was pink, I just knew I had to post this.

The pink comes from the base colour of a-england Iseult, but the top glitter also has a meaning here.  It is a Shimmer Polish, notably called Strength, which Leah Ann will need to get through this tough time.

So here is 1 coat of the Knight, 2 of Iseult, 1 of Strength and 1 of the Shield.

Shimmer Polish Strength over a-england Iseult 1

Shimmer Polish Strength over a-england Iseult 2

Shimmer Polish Strength over a-england Iseult 3

Shimmer Polish Strength over a-england Iseult 4

Shimmer Polish Strength over a-england Iseult 5

I loved this combo when I wore it, and I hope Leah Ann does too.  Thinking of you sweetie <3

a-england polishes can be purchased from a-england directly or from Llarowe.  Also keep an eye out for 2 new shades coming soon.....

Shimmer Polishes can be purchased from the Etsy store or from Overall Beauty.

Thanks for looking and if you have a pink mani, be sure to share it on the Llarowe Facebook page xx


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