
Monday 11 March 2013

Some progress...

Hi all,

I am sooo sorry for my extended unplanned absence, my laptop well and truly gave up and I only inherited last night a little replacement from my mum (thank you <3)

I am now in the process of salvaging what I can picture wise from my old laptop, and then I have lots of new pretties to get swatching and show off too.

Thank you for all bearing with me during my disappearance and to any new people that joined during this time, it isn't always so quiet here...

So just give me a little more time and I will be back to 'normal'

<3 xx


  1. Rebecca!! I was going to email you other day then realised you had no laptop, but now you have!! :-) can't wait to get you back again!


Please feel free to leave me a comment as I do enjoy reading them all but I would kindly ask that if you wish to send me a link (to your own blog etc), please do so via email (details on side bar) xx