
Monday 29 July 2013

Nails Inc Covent Garden and Royal Botanical Gardens

I hae for you all today 2 Nails Inc Polishes, the first is from the Summer Collection.

It is called Royal Botanical Gardens which looks like a pastel mint in the bottle but for some reason pulled a lot more like a pastel blue on me.

Here is 1 coat of the Knight, 2 of the polish and 1 of the Shield.

1 - nails inc royal botanical gardens

I then had tried wearing Covent Garden which is one of the Beaded Effect polishes, I found this quite think and difficult to apply after the first coat so thought it might be easier if I only had to do the one coat, I was right, so here is the above mani with 1 coat of Covent Garden and no top coat.

2 - nails inc covent garden over royal botanical gardens (1)
2 - nails inc covent garden over royal botanical gardens (2)
And just for reference here is 2 coats of Covent Garden alone, as I said it was tricky to apply and did require a little patience but I also quite like the extreme texture of the polish once it was dried in.
3 - nails inc covent garden  (1)
3 - nails inc covent garden  (2)

I have another of the beaded polishes here and am looking forward to trying it out and will of course let you all know how that goes. 

You can buy Nails Inc from the official site.

Thanks for looking <3

Some products in this post were sent to me for review.


  1. Got to be honest - your nails usually look beautiful, but I was quite shocked to see this polish - I don't know what Nails Inc are thinking of inventing polish which looks like that. It must be really irritating to feel it all bumpy too? xx

    1. I was a little surprised by it too, and it is *very* textured, but even though it was difficult to apply I did like the end result, but def isn't be for all the time wear, lol x


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