
Friday 9 August 2013

We have our winners...

Apologies for the delay and lack of posts since the giveaway was launched, I am actually away from home at the moment and just managed to get on my laptop.

Well, the winners have been drawn and Congratulations to the two very lucky ladies.

- Rebecca was the winner of the choice of 3 a-englands
- Alexandra was the winner of the 3 Colors by Llarowe polishes.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I have emailed both and they have 24 hours to respond or the prizes will be redrawn.

Thank you for helping me celebrate turning two, and bit thanks again to Adina of a-england and Leah Ann of Llarowe for their kindness.

I hope you all stick around, I promise its not always as quiet here....

1 comment:

Please feel free to leave me a comment as I do enjoy reading them all but I would kindly ask that if you wish to send me a link (to your own blog etc), please do so via email (details on side bar) xx