
Wednesday 22 January 2014

Cadillacquer Left Behind

I have for you all today another great polish from Cadillacquer.

This one is called Left Behind which is a light grey base with green glitters and shimmer running throughout. 

You could layer this if you wanted but I actually like doing a few coats alone as it shows more depth to the polish.

This is 1 coat of the Knight, 3 of the polish and 1 of the Shield.

cadillacquer left behind (1)

cadillacquer left behind (2)

cadillacquer left behind (3)

As I think I mentioned before, I had been looking to get some of these polishes for a while and managed to pick up a couple from the UK indie sites (the Nail Arcade - which is no longer around and Rainbow Connection) and then Llarowe was having a sale and I picked up a few there (this being one of them) and then there was also a sale ongoing on the Cadillacquer official site and I just had to pick up some there a couple of days ago.  I am so glad I did and have been super impressed with Madelines creations and hope to keeping adding to my collection.

The sale I mentioned on the Cadillacquer official site is still ongoing at the time of writing this, and this is one of the polishes included in that sale.

Thanks for looking <3 xx

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