
Sunday 23 October 2011

a-england Merlin

My second to last single polish Mythicals post, just Morgan Le Fay to show you next and then you have seen them all.  Although....... my little mind *may* be cooking up something else too..... you never know!

I just love glitter and basic silver glitter is not hard to come by so I do already have one or two in my collection but Merlin just stands out next to these.  It is a pure silver glitter in a clear base but is unique in the fact that the glitter is all irregular shapes so produces a stunning finish.  The other stand out quality of Merlin is the coverage, we all know glitter can be notoriously sparse sometimes but no issues here, I got the coverage I wanted in 2 coats.

So here is 1 coat of the Knight, 2 of Merlin and 1 of the Shield, which was enough for a smooth finish.

Thanks for looking <3 xxx


  1. woewiii, glitters, I love glitters

  2. That is amazingly gorgeous! :)

  3. Thank you so much for your lovely comments ladies <3 xxx

  4. This is so sparkly! I love it, it sounds even nicer when you say it's irregular shaped glitter. Looks fab as always Rebecca. xxx

  5. Thank you Esther, it is so sparkly and I love it! <3 xx


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