
Monday 24 October 2011

Nubar Pasadena Purple

I have for you today Nubar Pasadena Purple, when I bought this one, it was described on the website as a 'rich metallic purple', I would describe this more as a pearly looking finish, not a standard metallic.

I really liked wearing this polish, such a pretty shade of purple and I don't really think I have another like this in my collection.  I still have a few Nubars to show you all but so far I have been very happy with the ones I have got.

Here is 1 coat of the Knight, 2 of the polish and 1 of the Shield.

Thanks for looking as and always, feel free to leave me a comment <3 xx


  1. Wow! This looks like an absolutely stunning purple colour!! I like it very much!! It's quite a 'pretty' purple.

  2. Thanks Marie, I was very impressed by this once actually, I like it much more on the nail than in the bottle. xx

  3. How did this purple ever pass me by? I think its a lovely what I call a daytime purple if that makes sense! X

  4. I actually just commented on your Perceval, creepy!! I figured you would have had this one as I know you love your Purples and 'daytime purple' makes total sense :p xxx

  5. Need to rectify my lack of Pasadena purple!


Please feel free to leave me a comment as I do enjoy reading them all but I would kindly ask that if you wish to send me a link (to your own blog etc), please do so via email (details on side bar) xx