
Saturday 12 November 2011

Glitter Gal Lizard Belly with Ozotic 505 and Hits Hefesto

Today I have some more awesome polishes from Llarowe.  This is another layering with a Glitter Gal and an Ozotic.

This time I chose Lizard Belly, which I have previously shown you alone here so I will go straight to the pictures of it with Ozotic 505 over it.  

505 is another of the Ozotic Multichromes and shifts from purple to blue to green.  I will try and get a post up soon showing you 505 and 504 just by themselves but for now here is 505 over Lizard Belly.

This is 1 coat of the Knight, 1 of Lizard Belly, 1 of 505 and 1 coat of the Shield.

I am seriously loving these layerings, although, I did notice as I was uploading pictures, none of these show the green shift, oh well, I guess I will just have to wear this again to try and capture it for you......  

I then decided to use Hits Hefesto - which I have not shown you alone yet but this will be coming up soon - for a tape mani, I used some craft scissors to cut the tape in a wavy line and put 1 coat of Hits Hefesto in the middle of the nail using the tape as a guide.  I then added another coat of the Shield.

Thank you all for looking. <3

And before I go I need to give a big massive thank you to Leah Ann of Llarowe for picking me as one of her 11 Official Swatchers.  I know it was hard work for her to go through all the entries and narrow the choices down so I was shocked when I was one of the finalists never mind one of the winners! 

I am so excited to be a part of this and it is such an honour to be chosen.  Leah Ann does sell some beauties on her website and I am beyond happy that I will be able to share these with you all.

The products in this post were sent to me for review.


  1. Lizard belly was my lemming- I personally think it should be left alone it's so pretty! But I love the hits stripe you did! Congrats on winning!

  2. Absolutely gorgeous! You do such amazing work. I am so honored to have you swatching for me and cannot wait to see your amazing creations!

  3. Thank you Fingers, I love it on its own too, but it is such an awesome holo that it has so many possibilities for layering <3

    And thank you Leah Ann, I am so excited about making new creations for you <3 xx

  4. Those look awesome layered! Love it!

  5. Oh, wow! The Ozotic looks stunning :D I'm really loving duochromes/multichromes at the moment :D :D

  6. Me too Marie, can't wait to get more of these to play with <3 xx

  7. Look like you made your own version of Ozotic Mish Mash! The holo of Lizard Belly did seem a bit muted by 505 though.

  8. Thank you Susan, I love the look of those Mish Mash polishes and can't wait to try them, but I do agree Lizard Belly was muted a bit, it is an amazing holo though <3 xx


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