
Tuesday 8 November 2011

Nails Inc Gossip Girl - Lily

Today I have for you the last of the Gossip Girl collaborations from Nails Inc, Lily. See here for the Blair set and here for Serena. I am quite sad actually that there are only the 3 of these as would love some more of the Overglazes as these 3 have been stunning.

Here is a picture of the Lily set.

Lily is a very dark black/plum base, coverage was great with 1 coat, and could have possibly just been left at that but here is 1 coat of the Knight, 2 coats of Lily and no top coat.

And now for the Overglaze, which is called High Society in this set.  It is described as a red/green overglaze on the Nails Inc website but to be honest I did not see much red in this, mostly green (a couple of different shades) and gold, and a very slight hit of blue sometimes at the sides but no red.  That does not, however, change how much I like this polish, as the fact there isn't red makes me like it more (more info coming up on this soon).

For now here is the above mani with 1 coat of Overglaze and 1 coat of the Shield.

I love this collection too and still cannot decide which is my favourite so I am so glad I have all 3.

Now back to why the lack of red is a good thing, I am sure when many people (me included) seen the description for this Overglaze, it sounded an awful lot like Nubar 2010, which I have shown you before here and matte here, I was so happy that when I actually tried them together they are not that similar at all.

High Society has a lot more of the green/gold flakies where as 2010 does show green but the main colours are red and orange.  I would also say the flakes in the Nails Inc polish are larger than the Nubar.  Here is a quick comparison picture for you to see, this is 1 coat of the Knight, 2 of Lily and 1 coat of High Society on pointer and ring fingers and 1 coat of 2010 on middle and pinkie fingers, with 1 coat of the Shield over all.

Thanks for looking and I hope you have liked these collections.

The Nails Inc product was sent to me for review, the Nubar was purchased by me.


  1. oh ... Rebecca .... moreish.

  2. Thank you Linda, this won't be the last you see of the overglazes I don't think anyway, they are so pretty <3 xx

  3. oooh! I like this one more than I thought I would! I was expecting it to look like Nubar 2010. Thanks for the review on these! Now if only they had these in Canada... I know the Sephora ones are the same, but I want the ones with Gossip Girl on them!

  4. lol, I must admit, I quite like the Gossip Girl tie in, and thank you <3 xx

  5. I'm glad it's not just me who couldn't really see the red in the flakies!! (It did sort of show up in one photo, but I don't know where it came from! lol) I'm really glad that you compared it to Nubar 2010 because I was curious about how similar they would be. Oh dear, looks like I still need 2010 after all ;)

  6. Wow your pics are fab! Off to have a good old nosey around your blog xx

  7. lol, I am happy I have all of them, and honestly would be happy with even more flakies Marie, they just spice up a polish so well :) xx

    And thank you Claire, nosey away <3 xx


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