
Sunday 30 June 2013

Bye Bye Google Reader

Just a quick post tonight with no nails unfortunately, but a little bit of information.

I have left this a little late but as you probably already know, Google Reader is shutting down from the 01 July and as from that date, you will lose the list of blogs you follow on there.

Another great way to follow a lot of blogs in one place is on Bloglovin’, even if you don't already use it, you can sign up and easily transfer the list of all the blogs you already follow on Google Reader.

Here is the link to mine for you all (which is also on my sidebar with other ways to follow too), see you there xx

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Please feel free to leave me a comment as I do enjoy reading them all but I would kindly ask that if you wish to send me a link (to your own blog etc), please do so via email (details on side bar) xx