
Tuesday 2 July 2013

I Love Nail Polish Babes in Toyland and Matthew Peri

I have for you today two I Love Nail Polish polishes that have been sitting in my archive folder requiring editing and the post written for sometime, but when I got an email today about ILNP End Of Life Polishes sale and seen these two were in it I knew I had to show you then before they were gone.

First we have Babes in Toyland which is made up of green, pink, blue and gold glitters in a clear base.  This is 1 coat of the Knight, 3 of Enchanted Polish Magical Mystery Tour, 1 of Babes in Toyland and 1 of the Shield.

i love nail polish Babes in Toyland over enchanted polish Magical Mystery Tour (1)

i love nail polish Babes in Toyland over enchanted polish Magical Mystery tour (2)

i love nail polish Babes in Toyland over enchanted polish Magical Mystery tour (3)

i love nail polish Babes in Toyland over enchanted polish Magical Mystery tour (4)

i love nail polish Babes in Toyland over enchanted polish Magical Mystery tour (5)
Next we have Matthew Peri which is made up of Periwinkle, gunmetal and Navy glitters in a clear base.  This is 1 coat of the Knight, 2 of Nails Inc Upper Brook Street, 1 of Matthew Peri and 1 of the Shield.

i love nail polish Matthew Peri over nails inc Upper Brook Street (1)
i love nail polish Matthew Peri over nails inc Upper Brook Street (2)

i love nail polish Matthew Peri over nails inc Upper Brook Street (3)

i love nail polish Matthew Peri over nails inc Upper Brook Street (4)
I am so glad I have these 2 polishes in my collection and ILNP has so many other great glitter toppers, and also not to mention their great looking holos and chromes, jellies and cremes.
Thanks for looking and I hope you can pick up some great polishes in their sale, here is the link and they also do Ultra Minis of their colours if you want to try out some others but not commit to a full bottle.
Some products in this post were sent to me for review.

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