First and foremost, I want to start off with a big massive apology for my extended absence and this post is mainly for the apology, but also to try and explain a little about why I have been absent.
I think December was my last post and I just remember getting all busy in work and caught up in other festive things, as you do, and I kept thinking I would get back to here in the new year.
Now, why - you may ask - is is now the middle of April and this is the first you are hearing from me...
Well this may sound a bit silly to non fur baby owners, and maybe even a little silly to those who are but anyway, I probably owe you all an explanation, and it may be a little good for me to vent a little....
Not long into January, my baby girl cat, my Pandora, the namesake for this site, had what seemed like a little sickness bug, I was completely convinced she would perk up after a little visit to the vet for a check up and some tablets, but she didn't get better really, she just kept getting worse and in the space of a week she had gone from the cat I knew, to a cat that couldn't even walk by herself. So one rushed emergency visit to the vet and one look from the vet and I knew it wasn't good. Turns out she had kidney failure and the vet didn't think she would have even made it there if my Mum had been a little later in picking me up. So long story short, I made the heartbreakingly difficult decision and got her put to sleep. Now deep down I know it was the best thing for her as she was clearly suffering in those last few hours, but that doesn't make it any easier.
Well there you go, and you may ask why it has taken me nearly 3 months to say all this, and I honestly can't explain why it has been so hard for me to come on here and share this with you all but it has. Maybe cos her darn name is branded all over my site, but maybe that will just be her little legacy or something....ha.
I know some of you will think I'm nuts for my cat being a reason, but I can't explain it any better than I have, and I understand not everyone will get it, but honesty is always best in my opinion.
Now to provide an update on when you will see some more nails around here, I have quite a few untrieds still sitting - including a stunning new release from a-england - and I really need to just sit and get them sorted through, I haven't even been painting my nails - except for occasions - at all this year.
So thank you all for bearing with me, and for any newbies that have joined, it isn't always so quite around here, I promise. So just stick with me a little longer and I will try and get my act together and get back to showing you pretty polishes I have.
Becca <3 xxx
Oh and PS, I am not a non cat owner now, I still have my Pandoras brother, Lestat, to keep me on my toes ;) and here is not the greatest picture, but it is one that makes me smile so though would share. Lestat is on the left and Pandora on the right....a rare picture of them letting me catch them on camera being nice to each other lol x