Sunday, 7 October 2012

a-england Lady of Shallot, Enchanted Polish Frosted Icicle and Ozotic 529

I have for you today an amazing layering I wore using a-england Lady of Shallot for the base.

First I started with Lady alone as shown yesterday, and then I topped with 2 coats of Enchanted Polish Frosted Icicle, 1 coat of Ozotic 529 and 1 coat of the Shield.

Thanks for looking <3

The products in this post were sent to me for review.


  1. OMG this combo!!!! Amazeballs! I need this Frosted Icicle polish =)

  2. Mmmmm, Look at all that glitter!

    Jazz x

  3. Wow, what a gorgeous holo! Can't tell if it's from the Enchanted, the Ozotic, or the combination but it's stunning :}

    1. The holo is mainly from the Enchanted I think as the Ozotic is a multichrome glitter but I agree, these polishes look great together xx

  4. Absolutely gorgeous combination, I wouldn't want to take it off! The Enchanted Polish is fab x


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